Thursday, April 21, 2005

So, ummm... part deux

Do I need to change the name of this site?

Is it crass to be campaigning this close to the election, especially considering this Pope's age?

Don't, don't you want me? You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me.

Could I just change the name to: Devin for Pope Dotcom, but not right now, only after the current Pope has lived many more fruitful years and passed on peacefully in his sleep?

Or should I take the opposite tract: filibustering his choices for Cardinals, publically speaking out against his Indulgence reform plan and generally slowing down the business of the Church?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooooh! Opposite tract! Opposite tract!


9:23 AM  
Blogger BertramWooster said...

excellent...I never gotten to filibuster before

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, filibustering is great....but you have to be sure you stretch me on this one.


3:31 PM  
Blogger BertramWooster said...

good point, i'd hate to sstart filibstering and then pull something like 5 minutes into it

6:37 PM  

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