Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A note to everyone else that lives in New York City

You know what we don't do enough of as a city: make world record-settingly large items of food. I mean, "The Big Apple" is a pretty good start, but how much cooler would it be it it was: "New York: home of the World's largest plate of rice pilaf" - - or "New York: be sure to check out our 15-story Candy Corn in Union Square"?

Therefore, as means of getting this idea rolling, I am suggesting that we all, and by "we all" I mean entire population of New York, meet up in Central Park this Saturday, right by the Hans Christian Anderson with a baby duck statue, and make a monumentally large haggis. What do you say? I think it'll be fun. Maybe I'll bring a frisbee or something, too, so we have something to do while the haggis is cooking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frisbees and haggis just don't go together,

1:54 PM  
Blogger BertramWooster said...

Ok, I guess I can bring a caber and we can toss that around instead

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are kilts mandatory? Will there be cans of McEwans ale with the scantily clad lasses emblazoned on them?

7:53 PM  
Blogger BertramWooster said...

Kilts are not mandatory, but are encouraged. Scantily clad lasses are mandatory, be they on cans of McEwans or not.

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the fact I live in Chicago, "the Dirtiest City in America" according to the fine people at Reader's Digest, I would definitely be there....but one thing does puzzle me, oh wise anti-pope-

what does Hans Christian Andersen and his baby duck have to do with haggis, kilts, and scantily clad lasses, let alone tossing cabers?

1:41 PM  
Blogger BertramWooster said...

nothing really, but if the IRS asks I would say that his middle name makes this an official work-related activity for an Antipope and therefore a tax write-off. Plus, baby ducks are cute.

2:25 PM  

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