Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pope FAQ: Where you been

Q: Where have you been? Why haven't you posted in so long?

A: Been busy.

Q: Busy?

A: yeah, busy.

Q: Busy doing what?

A: Workin' on my night moves.

Q: huh?

A: Up at the park, drinking some beers, rocking out to Seger, you know the drill.

Q: oooohhhhkaayyy....

A: Actually, that's not true; I just stole that line from the OC. I'm really pretty easily influenced by pop culture.

Q: I thought that sounded familiar...but wasn't that on, like, one of the first few episodes of the show, like 2 years ago?

A: Yeah...I'm easily influenced by pop culture, but not exactly what one would call "hip."

Q: Oh, okay.

A: Sooo, like my new tribal arm band tattoo?


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