Wednesday, April 13, 2005

This has nothing to do with the Pope

Today is the home opener for the Washington Nationals. As this is the first time there has been an Opening Day in Washington, DC since 1971, the Washington Post has a spread on it and presidential first pitches. As you can see, since William Howard Taft first did it in 1910, the president throwing out the first pitch has become a tradition. All presidents, be they afflicted with polio, pressed into service due to the natural death, resignation or assassination of their predecessor and those that served when there was not even a team in Washington found a way to throw out a least one first pitch during their presidencies, all presidents except one: Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter: giving away the Panama Canal, watching popes die, not throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game...the man may truly be Evil incarnate.

Update 2:00 pm!

The Nationals home opener is tomorrow, not today. Why did I think it was today, I have no idea, but I blame Jimmy Carter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read something in the news that may be of some concern to you with your campaign to have Devin elected to become the new leader of the Catholic Church....

It seems as though Ratzinger is gathering some support among the cardinals (an unnamed source claims at least 50 would vote in his favour) before the opening of the conclave on Monday.

Your thoughts? How can this be prevented? Do you think we can get Steven Segal to lead a crack team of operatives in to do something about this? Or do you have another idea?

11:22 AM  

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